Advanced Wildcard Matching

Uptime Impact: 5 hours, 2 minutes, and 57 seconds

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

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DBZ Partial zipcode matching should now be back to normal. We are still investigating issues with the new Advanced Wildcard matching feature - current advice is to continue using partial or exact matching for now.

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We've confirmed there is a problem, we're working to resolve it. Current advice still stands to set up temporary backup rates in Shopify or switching to exact postcode matching whilst we investigate this issue.

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We are investigating reports that Advanced Wildcard and Partial postcode matching are not working as expected on Delivery Rates by Zip Code. We advise setting up temporary backup rates in Shopify or switching to exact postcode matching whilst we investigate this issue.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code
    • Main application
    • Rates
    • Logs