Degraded tagging performance and delayed internal email notifications


We've fully resolved the issue on the May 13, but forgot to change the status—sorry about that!

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We are working to clear the backlog of orders without tags or notification emails sent. We will update when the issue is fully resolved.

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We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

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We've confirmed there is a problem, we're working to resolve it.

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We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

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We've confirmed there is a problem, we're working to resolve it. The issue is isolated to our US-2 orders servers and appears to be affecting more stores that initially expected. This does not affect your ability to receive orders and all tags/notifications will be queued and sent as soon as we have resolved the issue.

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We are investigating sporadic reports of delays to order tagging and delayed delivery of email notifications on a handful of stores on our US-2 servers. We will update this post with our progress as we discover the core issue.

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